To text or not to text

That is the million dollar question

Adulting in your 30s
3 min readSep 27, 2023

It sounds so elementary.

I’m a fully functioning adult in their late 30s. My stomach should not go to knots at the decision or indecision over texts.

And yet, when faced with a new crush, I feel like a helpless teenager again.

Secure behavior: Texting with good friends

This is my healthy example. With close friends whom I feel completely secure in the relationship, I don’t obsess over timing, frequency, or content of a text. If I think of something I want to tell them over text, I send it.

I know they will not judge me for it. I know they will respond in their own time.

Yes, I don’t expect them to reply to me right away. Or even today.

I believe that life is stressful enough as is, and we don’t need to feel the pressure of responding to texts in a timely manner in a friendship.

Insecure behavior: Texting with a new crush

Everything changes now, since I don’t have the same security in the relationship.

Can texting out of blue seem too needy? Too attentive? Too interested?



Adulting in your 30s

Musings and self reflections of a 30 something who feels like an adult but a kid at the same time