Killers of the Flower Moon is a Terrible Movie

Prove me wrong

Adulting in your 30s
2 min readJan 9, 2024

Yes, I love and respect that the film gave voice and opportunity to underrepresented actors and actresses (and a historic Golden Globe win for Lily Gladstone). But, the movie just wasn’t good.

Killers of the Flower Moon is too damn long

The movie is 3.5 hours, and you felt it. Nothing much happens in the first hour. Most of the action build up in the last third in the investigation.

In contrast, Oppenheimer was 3 hours, and I could have watched more. It was well paced and had interesting parallel storylines that crossed between past, present, and future.

The characters in Killers of the Flower Moon are one-dimensional

The bad guys are just bad. And the good guys (and girls) are just suffering. While I can see it makes sense not to give any chance for sympathy to these historically horrible humans, it also made the plot flat. You knew what was going to happen. You know who did it from the start. There were no surprised.

Leo’s character was the worst, sleeping with his wife while killing her sister. Yet none of it really made him hesitate about what he was doing. He didn’t see the natives as human.



Adulting in your 30s

Musings and self reflections of a 30 something who feels like an adult but a kid at the same time