Member-only story
I’m interested in you, even though I don’t ask you enough questions
Is this conversation becoming one sided?
The first time my ex brought this up in a fight, I was flabbergasted.
What do you mean you feel like I’m not curious enough about you?
I thought my feelings for them were self evident. I didn’t see any issues with not asking any follow-up questions once they finished telling me a story. Isn’t that just a sign that they were very thorough in their storytelling?
It hadn’t occurred to me that not asking questions in a conversation icould be interpreted as a lack of interest.
I started looking inwards. Why do I often find myself passively listening in a group conversation rather than actively participating? Why doesn’t asking questions come easily to me, despite me being interested in someone, whether it be a colleague, friend, or lover?
Silence is golden
Growing up, my mom was always the talker of the family. She could fill up airtime without anyone asking her anything, continuously volunteering information about herself or soething that happened to her. She rarely thinks to ask me anything.