Becoming a Gastro-Bitch
My journey into the kitchen life
I have spent my entire working life in front of a computer. Honestly, I didn’t think there were any alternatives. The target was to get a high paying job, so I applied to work at an account firm.
One thing led to another, and 15 years later, I still spend 8+ hours a day at a desk.
And I’m so bored.
I recognize I’m fortunate to have a job that pays the bills and more. A job that lets me travel and takes me to new restaurants; and colleagues that I actually want to be friends with.
Yet, I’ve been itching to get my hands dirty.
I’m a creative person at heart. I want to do something with my hands…something more than typing away on a keyboard.
A year ago a good friend lost her job, and she followed her heart to begin working at a ramen shop. The pay was shit, but she loved it.
The thrill of service, the satisfaction of turning raw ingredients into a tasty dish.
I watched from the side, trying to live vicariously through her. Stopping by the kitchen to say hi. Listening to her stories.
As deeply curious as I was to live the gastro life, I couldn’t mentally adjust to trading in my comfortable job for minimum wage physical labor.