3 Things I Miss About Living in America

Europe is great, but America has some things right

Adulting in your 30s
3 min readOct 8, 2023
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I have always enjoyed traveling and brief stints abroad for study or work. But I never thought I’d be living abroad.

I had already emigrated from Taiwan to the US. I thought that was it. I was here to stay.

But when life brought me to Europe, I was all in. Never had I been more excited about an opportunity. An adventure, a challenge, a new life in an unknown place.

Now that I have been living in Europe for six (!) years, here are some of the things I still miss about life in America.

Stores that open on weekends

Ah, its hard to say not to the convenience. To be able to run errands any day of the week, an usually with later hours. With the exception of Christmas, stores in America are generally open especially on weekends and holidays.

In contrast, in many European countries, you’ll be hard pressed to buy groceries on a Sunday, and forget any shopping.

Not all European cities are like this, but at least in Germany, Spain, Italy, and Luxembourg, this has generally been my experience.

Good old friendly customer service



Adulting in your 30s

Musings and self reflections of a 30 something who feels like an adult but a kid at the same time